Mars on the Methodical Move ~ 5 Jul 2023

Mars wastes no time in making tracks these next weeks. Given forewarned is forearmed, here’s an outline for matching your wits with those of Mars this midyear season.

9 July Mars in Leo quincunx Pluto in Capricorn

Mars and Pluto share dominion over Scorpio. Mars’ influence clearly lies in the more mundane realm. Pluto’s pernicious reputation actually serves to create complicated emotional mixes that result in one emerging from the whirlpool better than one would have ever imagined - that is, if one keeps ones intention honed on the soulful lodestone.

What to do in this time frame? For one thing, there will be expenditures required for physical advancement in the real world. Locate the means to apply the needed resources such that they can be applied in a timely manner. Hesitation in the face of immense and promising life circumstances produces less than ideal results. Mars’ impetuous nature works to serve ones plans... and one can be impulsive while remaining instinctive, perspicacious, and aligned with the deepest of soulful instincts. Ask yourself what cravings remain constant and must be addressed to satisfy the purpose of the current incarnation and support your soul’s standing in Universal plans. This self-examination creates the litmus test for required activity.

On 10 July, Mars leaps from Leo to Virgo. Mars seems to enjoy romping in the perfectly tilled fields of Virgo. Mars loves blip details, the kind of facts that feed bursts of action commonly found when separating the wheat from the chaff. As Mars crosses over the sign that reads: “Entering Virgo. Be Impeccable,” he is inclined to comply with distant x-ray bursts originating from a black hole that precisely last 283 seconds. This nearly five minute interval of time will be what Mars requires to plot through the very next steps he chooses to engage. It’s not spur of the moment, nor do actions taken reek of ill-prepared. Mars only needs a five minute assessment to ideally sort out the next impeccable action in his current sign happenstance. Five minutes of thought followed by five minutes of applied action to verify the intended outcome will actually result. Mars realizes from a quick online search that in the first five minutes of removing rust from an object coarse sandpaper is best used first. Then, for the next five minute burst medium grade sandpaper does well. Finally, fine sandpaper puts on the perfect final touch. While in Virgo, Mars is inclined to consider and realize the necessary sequential steps of refinement and properly engage with them.

19 July Mars in Virgo opposes Gonggong in Pisces

Saturn and Gonggong, the recently named dwarf planet with a Chinese backing up the namesake, continue to engage throughout the remainder of this year by conjunction in Pisces. Perspective must be granted in terms of which battles contribute to the overall, long term life results. Personally this thought applies all action taken. First though, Gonggong suggests establishing a new and unique perspective required to recognize the need for an orientation shift. In film, there is a camera shot known as a “Dutch Angle.” This crooked angled shot alerts the viewer the plot prepares to go cockeyed and that complications for the hero thicken. This transit uses such a perspective shift to put your life on notice. The demand is that orientation be sufficiently altered such that ones view meets shifting life circumstances with perfect reflex and balance and consideration. Quick, instantaneous consideration provides ones inner sensors to react within Newtonian physics parameters... for each action there is an equal and opposite reaction... and in theory, they combine to reset the working plane for giant steps forward for all parties.

Following are three trigger intervals that if applied just might lead to fantastic positive results.

20 July Mars in Virgo opposing Saturn in Pisces

There is no better “get stuff done” aspect known in astrological realms. When first encountering tasks and challenges, they may appear as overwhelming. If your task is to crack and separate a mountain of walnut meat from the shell by hand, the walnuts are separated one at a time. One task at a time, done perfectly. One walnut shelled without breaking. Despite Saturn in Pisces, multitasking is not the superior idea. Stay within the task at hand, keeping in mind that a long journey begins with the first step, then the next, then the next. Instead of focusing upon miles to a destination, document and appreciate the energy expended in the miles traveled. Each walnut morsel separated heaps up toward the number required to fulfill a recipe, an order, or whatever the end application for the walnuts happens to be. At the same time, the mound of walnuts cleaned indicates progress to the person charged with the task that the current project has no intention of being Sisyphean.

01 August Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus; Mars conjunct Orcus in Virgo

First, deal with the conjunction since it stands in the way. Mars and Orcus match wits. Keep in mind that Orcus is the Etruscan edition of Pluto. He has been charged with ensuring that those making promises, taking oaths and vowing whatever to the heavens uphold those invocations fully. Start this transit by promising your energetic innards that you intend to apply yourself completely as required by the circumstances at hand, with perfect grace and intention, for as long as it takes to complete tasks destined to fulfill life agendas. Feels great to proclaim that, right? Feels even better to fulfill it.

Now consider that Mars in Virgo trines Jupiter in Taurus. Perfectly executed tasks contribute to the ka-ching of the cash registers of life, the announcement of jobs well done, defining progress and accolades deserved. Of course, these are real world results stemming from well-applied deeds and application of all skill sets. The emotional and spiritual satisfaction felt goes beyond the beyond. Says Jupiter to Mars, with a wink at Orcus, “Spit out your statement and mean it. Act like you mean it and do everything in your power with your available energies to win big.” Then the grand gaseous one adds with a bellow, “Prove me right, mortal!”

16 August Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus

The word “unprecedented” gets tossed about by the media these days with careless regard for its denotation. Unless you’re a member of the media, this transit intends to report the harvest of unprecedented yield from life. If you are a media member or inclined to use the word unprecedented to the cusp of overuse, buy a thesaurus. Shift attention toward openness to completely unanticipated results... given that life is fully engaged with your energy and intent. Do not anticipate how things shall turn out. Simply, be receptive to how the Universe cooperates with the application of your soul’s intent and figurative blood, sweat and tears applied. You don’t actually have to bleed in working your fingers to the bone, however, you do need to sweat, following the unique twists and turns of fate Uranus presents and accept proposals from the universe with openness and joyful (and possibly tearful in a good way) response to the realization that your personal spaceship now prepares to leap into warp speed mode. Who knows what strange vectors Uranus has in mind for your journey? However, Uranus, now in a fixed sign, as is the sign he rules, does realize that surprises that shock the psyche cause extreme discomfort. That’s why the energetic sensation that precedes a quantum leap of “I’m all dressed up and uncertain where to go,” works so well for cultivating psychic receptivity to all things Uranus.

For the next five to six weeks, doors are opening for Mars (and those who follow Martian prescriptions for life). Feel the cross breezes. Prop open doors that may slam shut, but more, get you through doors that open and swiftly engage with what lies beyond even if it seems unfamiliar or too perfect. Emulate Mars. Be the first to push through that open portal.

More soon.